Registration Information

Team Registration - Winter 2024-25

Welcome to BCMSL Winter 2024-25 Team Registration!

Player Registration

Player Registration Instructions

Each player can only have one login/password but may have two player profiles. One for Summer League and one for Fall League. 

Duplicate player profiles are not allowed in this system!

Last summer, profiles were created even though we did not play so if you had signed up for summer last season, you may have a profile.

If you don't know your user name/password or you are unsure if a user name/password was created for you, then use the 'Forgot User name/password' link on the bottom right of the Login page (After clicking the Green 'Register' button on the registration page).

If your email address has changed from what we have in the system, then you will need to contact the Registrar to update the email address and send a reset password email to you.

If you are a new player, then you will need to click the 'New User' link on the Login page.

Note: creating a new profile while one already exist will generate an error stating that the player already exists and to use the correct user name/password to register.

After logging in, you will need your team key code (provided by your team organizer) to complete your registration.

Referee Registration

New Referee?

If you were an active referee last year, you are already in the system.